Julie Julie

3 Things I’m Doing to Take Better Care of Myself

This morning, I had the pleasure of attending an event at Co-Op Movement and Social Club. A quick note on Co-Op— it’s amazing, and I highly recommend checking out their movement classes and workshops. The trainers are incredible, the facility is clean and state of the art, and just freaking cool, and the energy of the space is magnetic—you’ll totally want to come back. Today, I attended the “One Word Workshop,” where Vivienne led us through her practice of choosing a word for the year. It was exactly what I needed to help me focus on what I want for my future self and where I want to put my intentions throughout this year. I have narrowed it down to 4 words: Health, Nourish, Gentleness, Wellbeing. I’m really leaning toward NOURISH. Which is clearly so in line with taking better care of myself in all facets of life. I’ve noticed a pattern of not taking very good care of myself, giving in to habits that don’t serve my highest self, and avoiding. I tend to self-sabotage (which is something I should probably bring up with my therapist…). I’ve never been good at committing to things for myself. I’ll commit to things for other people, but I tend to run a really loose ship when it comes to myself, so here are a few things I’m doing to take better care of myself.

I’m Letting Go of Mom-Guilt

To be more accurate, I’m quieting my mom guilt. She’s still very much there, but I’m giving myself gentle reminders that it is okay to fill my cup. Whether that is asking my mom to watch the kids overnight so I can attend a workshop the next morning or spend some time with a friend, paying for a sitter on my day off so I can get some errands and appointments done, or leaving the kids at home in the evening with my husband so that I can do something for myself— there is no reason to feel guilty. I welcome help and know it takes a village to raise children, and I’m leaning into that feeling of support.

I’m Investing In and Prioritizing My Physical and Mental Health

I started working with a concierge doctor and a new therapist this month. I’ve started working with Dr. Rodenberg of Parkville Concierge Medicine. She uses a holistic approach to wellness through weight management, movement, and nutrition. Since being diagnosed with Hashimotos, I’ve struggled a lot with my health these last several years, and I hit my breaking point. I knew what I had tried wasn’t working and wanted to take the next steps to take control of my health again. For me, that includes trying a Terzepatide compound to assist in my weight loss. I’m happy to share more about that journey, as I want to be as honest and transparent as I can be about it. I’m in week two of injections, and so far, I’m thrilled with how I am feeling. I also am prioritizing movement and establishing a healthier relationship with food. My mental health has also been really struggling for quite some time. I’ve dealt with a lot of severe depression since my daughter was born and specifically since I stopped breastfeeding. Between depression and other things happening in my personal life, I knew I needed someone outside of my life to help support me through it all, so I reached out to a new therapist and had an amazing first session with her. I was dreading it, but it turned out to be an amazing decision.

I’m Done Taking Everything So Damn Seriously

In my youth, I was so full of life and joy. Having kids has CHANGED me, but my kids are my greatest teacher in this phase of life. They remind me every day of the importance of letting go and not taking everything so seriously. I think play can be just as healing as therapy; in fact, I see play as a form of therapy. I don’t really know what this will look like, but it keeps coming up for me to play and dance and just have some fun. We aren’t here just to heal, and we are here to enjoy our lives! What is the point of all of the amazing things this world has to offer if we don’t indulge occasionally in fun and play?

I hope these few thoughts give you some inspiration on how to take better care of yourself, too. You are so worthy of feeling like your best and most vibrant self… I hope you are able to take the steps to feel your best, no matter what that looks like.

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